Ofertas de Trabajo CompetentSolutions

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We are dedicated to achieving the goals of our clients and candidates. Our passion is finding the perfect match between talent and opportunities to drive organizational growth and individual career advancement. Quality is our priority. We carefully select talents and partnerships, ensuring that every candidate who interacts with us has the opportunity for professional growth and development. At the same time, we provide our clients with only the best candidates who meet their specific requirements.

Sector: Recursos Humanos: Selección de Personal

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Todo Almería  11/09/2024

¡Estamos buscando conductores de mensajería (m/f/d) para empleo directo en nuestro equipo! Te ofrecemos un proceso de solicitud rápido y sencillo, 100% gratuito, por supuesto. ❌ Tus ventajas con nosotros: ❌ NO TRABAJO TEMPORAL❗ NO SUBCONTRATISTAS❗ SIN COSTOS❗ Tus tareas como conductor: Entrega de paquetes ...

2.500 € - 3.000 €Jornada Completa