Customer Operations with Swedish and English
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Customer Operations with Swedish and English


A convenir

Tipo de contrato:

A convenir


Jornada Indiferente

Años de experiencia:

Sin Experiencia

Customer and supplier billing
Payment and collection management
Handling and follow up of Customer e
Query Management originated in SC business (via email, telephone or Child Case)
up of the queries received via phone call through a tool called Genesys (within 48 hours).
Analysis of customer accounts in SAP and ICON systems.
Outgoing calls for customer clarification requests.
Service contract administration tasks such as: contract activation, adaptation, transfer, prolongation, terminations or suspensions.
Archive of the contracts in a digital platform (SCAT).
Printing and sending out of welcome letters to customers.
Duties on holidays when required and approved by the TL beforehand

Basic level and some experience in SAP/FI
Medium level and some experience in MS office tools, specially Excel
High level of English and Swedish

Nunca envíes tu información personal (DNI, foto,...), datos bancarios ni realices ningún pago para solicitar un empleo

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